The main part of the land is located on Rerewhakaaitu Road and State Highway 38, Rotorua and contains about 2364 hectares situated in Block IV Paeroa Survey District.
Set in one of the most volcanically volatile landscapes in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Onuku Maori Lands Trust has developed out of a historic eruption to grow into the thriving farming and forestry operation that it is today. The mud left covering the district after the 1886 eruption of Mount Tarawera proved to be life-giving nearly a Century later when the Trust was established. Today, the Trust's faming operations are regarded as among the most successful in the Bay of Plenty.

Onuku, he taonga tuku iho; mō ake tonu atu.
To be a pre-eminent Farming & Forestry operation within the district, for which the Beneficial Owners can feel justly proud and well rewarded.
To focus on realising and enhancing the present and potential value of Onuku while sharing its benefits and prosperity with our beneficial Owners and their descendants.
To grow the ownership and profit of farming activities
Seek out and create opportunities to improve the trusts other business activities and grow the trusts asset base
Ensure capable and effective governance mechanisms are in place to achieve the sustainable development of the trust
Ensure governance decisions are made in the best interests of the owners
Ensure we care for our lands and preserve the mātauranga Māori of Onuku
Trust Order

The Onuku Maori Lands Trust came about as the result of an order issued by the Maori Land Court on 11 March 1981. TheCourt order vested the Maori freehold land known as Onuku, in 10 Responsible Trustees. Since that date, the Trust Order has been varied from time to time with its current form, issued by the Maori Land Court on 4 December 2007 with six Responsible Trustees. The Trust has general powers to provide for the use, management and alienation of the land to the best advantage of the beneficial owners.

Perpetual Guardian maintains a register of the owners’ names and their shares in accordance with the records of the Māori Land Court. There are currently more than 4700 owners with a total of 37,865,00 shares. You are able to check to see if you are an owner in Onuku by visiting: www.maorilandonline.govt.nz.
If you are an owner, please ensure that you contact Perpetual Guardian to keep your address and bank account details current. Every owner who we hold current bank details and address details for receives an annual payment.